29 August 2024

Advancing the Circular Economy within the construction sector: Woodcircles represented by Danish Technological Institute and Comune di Torino

Join us on September 9th at the World Green Building Week 2024 National Conference in Belgrade, Serbia, for the forum "Advancing the Circular Economy in the Construction Sector," led by Circ-Boost, RECONSTRUCT, and Woodcircles. We will explore innovations in circular design, waste management, and digital technologies shaping the future of sustainable construction.

On September 9th, as part of the World Green Building Week 2024 National Conference, Circ-Boost, RECONSTRUCT, and Woodcircles will lead a forum on circular construction.

During this conference, which focuses on circular building practices and the circular economy, a forum titled “Advancing the Circular Economy in the Construction Sector: Challenges and Opportunities” will be presented by the Horizon Europe projects Circ-Boost, RECONSTRUCT and Woodcircles. The forum will explore cutting-edge research in areas such as circular design and materials, waste management and material recovery, and digital technologies for circular construction.

The World Green Building Week 2024 National Conference will be held from September 9th to 13th in Belgrade, Serbia, featuring international speakers and innovative solutions for creating more sustainable built environments.

The detailed agenda of the event is available here.

Cover photo of  by Anton Lukin on Unsplash

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29 August 2024

Advancing the Circular Economy within the construction sector: Woodcircles represented by Danish Technological Institute and Comune di Torino

Join us on September 9th at the World Green Building Week 2024 National Conference in Belgrade, Serbia, for the forum "Advancing the Circular Economy in the Construction Sector," led by Circ-Boost, RECONSTRUCT, and Woodcircles. We will explore innovations in circular design, waste management, and digital technologies shaping the future of sustainable construction.

Project updates
5 March 2024

Woodcircles endorses the International Day of Zero Waste with RECONSTRUCT and CIRC-Boost

Join us as we celebrate the International Day of Zero Waste on March 30th! Woodcircles, along with sister projects RECONSTRUCT and CIRC-Boost, will be releasing short videos on social media highlighting how circularity ensures a zero waste world.

Press & News releases
21 February 2024

Coming full circle: wood and the circular economy

Watch the Woodcircles video to discover how the project is helping the green transition of the construction sector, by developing sustainable and renewable solutions for circular use of wood in construction.

Keep in touch with the project